Process versus Project - which type of knitter are you?

Ok, this is an interesting topic. Is process knitting all about the techniques used to knit a project? Is project knitting all about knitting a project that you already know the needed techniques?
Tricky choice....
I enjoy the challenge of trying something new- pushing myself out of my comfort zone, but on my terms. By that I mean, when I'm ready I will tackle that new stitch or cast on. Sometimes it's because I see a beautiful pattern and want to knit it. After reading through the pattern details I think, OK, when I'm ready I'll come back to this and try it out. I like to try the new stitch or XYZ in a swatch format, so it is easier to tink or unravel it and start over again. Until then, I'll be a project knitter... get it?
It's exciting to start something new, see the progress, watch the lace stitches  unfold, or the colourwork come alive and then you reach the end - hum let down- just a little? OR thrilled to have accomplished the process?
Which ever one you are today, have fun. Choose yarns by colours, textures or by feel- find just the right pattern - learn the process and become a project knitter.

Don't for get, supporting your local yarn shop will provide you the opportunities to learn a new process, become a project knitter and enjoy all the fun, learning and friendships that you find at your LYS. 


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